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Async methods returning information

The asynchronous methods of Robase are here to immediately retrieve information and perform operations on your database. These are simple and have no side effects outside of the HTTP Requests they perform. These are useful if you don't wish to do anything on top of what Robase already does and just wish to use the core functions.

Internally, Robase uses the Promise-returning methods and consumes them with an :await() call.


Retrieves the data stored at the given key within the Robase.

Robase:GetAsync(key: string) --> Success: Boolean, Result: any

Retrieves data from the database from the given key.

key: string
The name of the key you wish to retrieve data from.


Adds data into the Robase at the key specified using the given method.

Robase:SetAsync(key: string, data: any, [method: string]) --> Success: Boolean, Result: any

Adds data into the Robase at the key specified using the given method if provided, or "PUT" otherwise.

key: string
The name of the key you wish to add data into (will create a new key if one does not exist).
data: any
The data you wish to put into the database.
method?: string
Optional parameter defining the HTTP Method to use, this will default to "PUT".


Increments the data stored at the given key by the supplied delta. This only works on key's which have an integer value and with an integer-only delta (ex. 1.5 will not work)

Delta is an optional parameter and will default to 1 if not supplied.

Robase:IncrementAsync(key: string, [delta: integer]) --> Success: Boolean, Result: any

This method will increment an integer-typed value belong to the given key by either 1 or delta

key: string
The key you wish to increment
delta?: integer

An optional parameter for how much you wish to increment by, will default to 1

This parameter must be an integer, it can not be a number (5.7 for example).

Usage restrictions

  • You can only use :IncrementAsync on keys with integer values!

  • Delta must be an integer or nil!


Deletes the data at the specified key permanently.

Robase:DeleteAsync(key: string) --> Success: Boolean, Result: any

This method will delete a key entirely from the database and returns the previously stored value.

key: string
The key you wish to delete from the database


This method is incredibly dangerous. It can delete entire trees of data and cannot be rolled back. It will return the data previously stored at the key given.


Retrieves data from the Robase at the given key, or from the cache if provided and transforms it using the callback function and updates the key with a new value.

Robase:UpdateAsync(key, callback [, cache])

This method will take a key and modify its data using the callback ('updater') function. Optionally, it can take in a cache table whose contents match that of the key you are updating.

key: string
This is the key you are trying to modify the data of, it must be a table.
callback: function(oldData)
This is the function used to update (or modify) the data within the key.
cache?: {[string]=table,...}
Optional parameter used to provide Robase with data that should be newer than what the database has stored. Though it is strongly suggested that you update your database before updating your cache, else you risk losing data if your game crashes before the server can update the database with the cache.


Similar in functionality to :UpdateAsync except given a baseKey, it will modify keys with the provided updater (callback) functions.

Robase:BatchUpdateAsync(baseKey, callbacks [, cache])

This method takes in a baseKey and a table of callback ('updater') functions whose key's are children of the 'baseKey'. Optionally, it can take in a cache table whose keys match the callbacks table and should be the point of which baseKey starts in your database.

baseKey: string
This is the parent key of the keys you are trying to update, see the usage guide for more information.
callbacks: {[string]=function(oldData),...}

A dictionary of string-keys and function-values, the keys of this table should be the same name as the keys you wish to modify within the 'baseKey' of your database.

These functions take a single parameter oldData and should return a table of modified data.
This parameter is retrieved internally either from cache[key] where key is a key from callbacks, or it will be equal to a :GetAsync(key) request if a cache is not provided.

cache?: {[string]=table]}
Optional parameter used to provide Robase with data that should be newer than what the database has stored. Though it is strongly suggested that you update your database before updating your cache, else you risk losing data if your game crashes before the server can update the database with the cache.
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