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RobaseService cannot be used without first instantiating it with .new and providing a Firebase Database Url and a Secrets Authentication Token.


Used to instantiate a new RobaseService with the provided Url and Auth Token. string, token: string) --> RobaseService

This method will create a new RobaseService for the provided database.

baseUrl: string
This is the URL of your database, it can be found at the top of the database view in the Firebase Console.
token: string
This is your Database Secrets Authentication Token. Currently, RobaseService only accepts this method of authentication.


You must not store your Authentication Token and Database URL in your source code as plain-text. You should consider saving them (and any other secret information) into a DataStore and acquiring it from there.


Used to retrieve a Robase object with a path supplied from scope and name.

RobaseService:GetRobase([name: string, [scope: string]]) --> Robase

This method will create a new Robase object at the path determined by scope and name.

name?: string
Optional (but recommended) parameter for the name of the key that the Robase points toward.
scope?: string
Optional parameter for the scope (directory path) you wish to start searching in for "name". This should be a path going through your database with keys separated by "/" like a file system!

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